A familiar example is pushing a child on a swing. The child-swing system, like a pendulum, has a natural resonance frequency that depends on the weight of the child and the length of the chains. Optimal swinging height is achieved when the frequency of pushing closely matches the natural frequency of the swing. Pushing faster or slower provides a less efficient transfer of energy. |

The natural precession frequency of a spin system is also known as the Larmor frequency.
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It should be noted that the B1 field does not have to applied exactly at the resonance frequency for some tipping of M to occur. It just has to be relatively "close" to the Larmor frequency (i.e, within 3-5%). Similarly, a grandmother pushing her child on a swing does not have to push at exactly the natural frequency to get motion to occur. It is just that the motion is maximal/optimal when applied precisely at that frequency.
An even more fascinating concept is that resonance may be induced by two or more RF excitations, each far away from the Larmor frequency! The only condition is that the photons supplied by each have to add up to the same energy as that at the Larmor frequency. This is called multiphoton magnetic resonance imaging and has great potential for reshaping the future of MRI. (See the paper by Han and Liu in the references).
As demonstrated in this paper, an RF-field applied along the z-axis by a separate coil or by oscillating the z-gradient transmits z-polarized photons into the subject. The second xy-gradient can be applied at a frequency shifted up or down from the standard Larmor frequency by the same amount, transmitting xy-polarized photons. The result is a two photon excitation of the system.
Eles PT, Michal CA. Two-photon two-color nuclear magnetic resonance. J Chem Phys 2004; 121:10167-73. [DOI link]
Han V, Liu C. Multiphoton magnetic resonance in imaging: a classical description and implementation. Magn Reson Med 2020; 84:1184-1197. [DOI link] (A fascinating recent article demonstrating with imaging how two RF fields, each far away from the Larmor frequency, can actually induce resonance. See advanced discussion for further commentary).
Rigden JS. Quantum states and precession: the two discoveries of NMR. Rev Mod Physics 1986; 58(2):433-448. [DOI Link]
Who was Larmor and how did he discover his famous frequency?